

Self-talk positive moments, from an outside perspective, looks like a nutsy behavior. But it can help you fight anxiety, get your power back, if spiraling (…)


To forgive, being forgiving and practicing forgiveness: is fundamental. Not as easy as some would say. But is doable, vital and more than necessary. (…)

Comparing yourself to others is an established social structure, that is as much as poison that you are probably taking. Daily.
Let’s face it: is a whole system

I’m not an anxious person. Wasn’t and still am not. But I recall having two panic crisis. I think we can agree here, that behind the panic crisis, there’s probably a cycle of anxiety. A foreshadowing of something that manifested itself a few years later. But that’s not the issue. Anxiety is. The two I

Focus, Anxiety and Short Time Concentration What does focus, anxiety and short time concentration are got to do with each other? Everything. Has everything to do with it because a great percentage of us, people, are dependent on our cellphones, that became one of the many problems behind anxiety and short time concentration. Our short-time

This is an outburst! With no intention of pointing out ways or finding solutions – I am still discovering mine. But it may be that the outburst, the sharing, serves someone. Music Music has always rescued me.I don’t play any instrument, I don’t write music. I listen to music and it heals me. Yoga & Meditation 

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