Breathing, Meditating & Anita O’Day Benefits

This is an outburst!

With no intention of pointing out ways or finding solutions – I am still discovering mine. But it may be that the outburst, the sharing, serves someone.


Music has always rescued me.I don’t play any instrument, I don’t write music. I listen to music and it heals me.

Yoga & Meditation 

I have known and been doing yoga exercises for 2 decades. I discovered how to meditate a couple of years ago. Meditating was a bit of Pandora’s box. In addition to discovering how to meditate, I discovered – even more recently, breathing exercises. The combination of breathing exercises followed by meditation is a powerful formula to eliminate insomnia or poor sleep.

I usually meditate without music.

Music & Yoga & Meditation

Yesterday, at breathing time before going to sleep, I struggled with some anxiety.

I decided to listen to music, softly, while putting my body to breathe. Breathing exercises help me to connect with inside body, the breathing flow dictates the pace.

A version of “Them there eyes” was being performed by the voice of Anita O’Day, with Oscar Peterson on the piano. Delicious.

Them There Eyes by Anita O’Day & Oscar Peterson

And how does it feel?

And what does it feel?  With eyes closed, attention turned inward, Kapalbhati breathing (anti-stress miracle), blood flowing more intensely to the brain, and the brain flooded with oxygen…
When it goes well – because it feels good – I personally see psychedelic, colorless, spiral patterns forming, cyclones of energy moving in the mind. Really feels good.
And what does Anita O’Day got to do with this?

Perhaps because of the mental attention being turned inward, it literally felt the brain as if it was a polygraph describing a graphic line of brain activity, to the bebop sound rhythm of Anita O’Day. Literally.

Just as if there was an energetic movement in the brain and its impulses were moving to Anita’s voice rhythm: when Anita accelerated, the brain agitation accelerated, when Anita rose in pitch, the impulses reached a peak too …
Wonderful sensory experience. Of music that makes our brain cells move, turn, play, dance.

Music heals.

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