Lack Motivation, exhausted

If you are feeling lack of motivation in life & feeling exhaustion? Maybe some of your human basic needs aren’t being met.
“Living the avatars” way too much …

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Let’s face it: you are a warrior from conception. And it is time to call it off: the victim mode. Way too long on that victim-phase.
(…) And surely a warrior.

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Yep. Jealous. The subject is green but is not ecological-green. And it’s related to primal fears. Green jealous or envious? Similar but it’s not the same thing.

Self-Heal Self-Love

And suddenly you wake up drained, life sucks… You need to self-heal, to rescue self-love… What can you do to reverse that?
You wake up. Something is missing …

Comparing yourself to others is an established social structure, that is as much as poison that you are probably taking. Daily.
Let’s face it: is a whole system

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Process your emotions. You can be damn good at suppression emotions, but it certainly isn’t mentally healthy: at some point you going to have to pay the due.

Declutter Mind

Too much in your mind? Mentally blocked? Or: the stuff runs off your head as if it was diarrhea: disordered and out of control ?
Time to declutter your mind.

Intimacy and over-familiarity are bonded but they are not the same thing.
Everything is easier when you have intimacy (…) The trapp might be over-familiarity.

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A person addresses you. You don’t know that person that well. You got that gut feeling…
It doesn’t matter if the feeling is good or bad. The real issue is: can you trust your gut feeling?
Is it fear or intuition talking?

If you are not in control of your emotions, someone else is.
If someone controls your emotions, that someone controls you: your ex, your cellphone’s feed, …

Is shame just an uncomfortable moment? It scratched your image but caused no damage to your self-esteem?
Or, shame turns to be toxic, and contaminates how you see your-self?

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