personal growth

Competitive Copycat Inspired

Are you too competitive? To a point where the idea of being a copycat crosses your mind? Because what matters is winning? (…) let yourself be inspired by (…)

equal give take

Relationships. Where are you standing on yours? Is it based on an equal give and take? Are you feeding something that is not feeding you? The other way around?

expressing yourself

Expressing yourself.
Speak well, look good: communication is easy, doors open, sympathy from others.
(…)unique fingerprint, unique way of expressing yourself.

The crossroads in life. You have to make hard decisions. They will determine the next round cycle of life.
And we all want is the next life round to be awesome…

self committed

Have you ever questioned yourself of how deep are you committed to yourself?
We all want emotional fulfillment and if have to commit to someone: we do that.

rejection, overcome

Years have passed, but you still feel the rejection (…) with an emotion attached, a physical reaction of some sort: frustration, anger, shame. How to overcome.

end relationship

How to survive the end. Of a relationship?
It doesn’t end when two people separate: a relationship ends when there’s no emotional cord bonding two people.


What are you attracting? Stop. Think.
The magic about life are the good surprises, the achieved goals. The unexpected and the expected good things.

Guilt trip

Guilt trip. Coerced? Self-inflicted?
Feeding off others guilt? Others are feeding off your guilt?
Is a natural feeling.
It can be emotional manipulation, too.

Appreciation and hate

Appreciation is easy. Hate, on the other hand, is almost being professionalized. How to deal with both?Self-love is the answer, it’ll protect you from insanity.

embrace change, people, girl, hug-2571963.jpg

Embrace change? Hell yeah: for personal growth, for a personal upgrade.
Some people get bored if they don’t get change (…).
Others get scared to sh*t (…).

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