london, skyscraper, the scalpel

Isn’t That Amazing? Perspectives From a Scientist-Artist

Isn’t that amazing? These perspectives from a scientist-artist? The video is about a scientist who is also an artist – Julian Voss Andreae. He composes imponent metallic art pieces that, depending on the light, on the point of view, the pieces change and eventually even seem too volatile to a point that it looks they’re just slightly there…

Now imagine that piece is you, your life, another person, a situation. Imagine that is anything. Puzzling or not.

Then place yourself as a viewer and walk around the “piece-of-art” (person, situation, problem). Put yourself in a watchtower, if will. You’re gonna see other things, many perspectives. Things that you see when looking from position “A”, things that you only see when looking from position “B”. And so on.

Are you getting where I’m going?

I used to make a headstand pose, having the wall as support.

Headstand pose- From Fear to Freedom
Headstand pose From Fear to Freedom

Headstand pose: a yoga position that teaches your body to go from “Fear to Freedom”.

Especially on those tough days, when I was in a country where I didn’t wanna be anymore, working in a place where I didn’t wanna work anymore. It was even hard to breathe without feeling anguished. Literally didn’t know what to do next, to get out of that, without compromising my sustainability.

On those days? I would get home, I would do yoga, do a headstand pose.

Literally to see the situation through a different point of view.  To get my body to help me go from Fear to Freedom.

Not that I’m very into sports, but I always had some type of  physical activity in life.

Movement. The body needs, the mind praises.

There are even some theories that say that moving your eyes laterally helps to neutralize the circuits of conditioned fear (and by consequence stress and anxiety), located in the brain amygdala.

Why sharing this? Because movement reflects on your body attitude. Body attitude affects your brain activity. Different brain activity helps on seeing other perspectives. Literally.

Let us use an analogy. Let’s suppose you have a situation. It worries you.

I’m not saying that magic will happen in the situation, I’m saying that “magic doors” might open and you might perceive the situation in a different way. You just have to physically or mentally change points of view: do a headstand pose, sit on the other side of the room, face it to light from another side.

And just by the simple fact that you’re seeing it differently, you’re giving a new stimulus to the brain, your teaching your brain (neurons activity) to form new paths. You’ll then see things differently. You’ll have conditions to formulate new solutions.

Tips ? Here’s some…

A. Walk on other peoples shoes. Whether is a business negotiation , or a personal issue, do this four-minute exercise:

Four minute exercise to gain perspective

If you want to learn more about this exercise check out this article:

B. Do a headstand pose, which was mentioned previously, against a wall, once in a while: as your You’ll get a new perspective of things.

C. Learn a new thing.  Or do an old thing in a different way (for example brush your teeth with your left hand if you’re a right-hand person). Is always about the brain and new stimulus, that activate new paths of communication of neurons, that will lead to new ways of thinking.

D. Imagine “the situation”. Even if you are in it. In the box. Then place yourself as a viewer – dissociated. Try not to judge or put feelings on what you see. Just observe.   Observe “the box situation” from outside. As if you’re watching a movie. Then surround “the situation” as if it was a static piece of art and try to “gain perspective”. From many points of view.

I’m not saying it will solve all problems. I’m saying that these brain-exercises help in finding possible solutions (other light focus points of view) to your problems (your “Julian Voss-Andreae metallic piece of art”).

Yes. We too (me, my self and I) are still figuring It out. Growing. A working process.

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