Mental attitude, lazyness

After-Christmas Laziness or Maybe Not

Do you know that after-Christmas laziness we get? That... Or maybe not quite that!

We could be talking about that physical and mental laziness that follows the uncontrolled intake of sugar and carbohydrates, without mercy.

Added a complete disregard for mealtimes.

But that's not the laziness we want to talk about here – although it would be more than reasonable.

We are talking about one of the least mentioned sloths, but one that affects many of our attitudes and, consequently, our relationships: the “that’s just how I am” attitude.

It is one of the laziest attitudes one can have towards life because it justifies not having to make any adjustments, it leaves no room for any personal growth of the soul, or personality, of attitude.

Because it is assumed that it is “that's just the way I am”. And therefore there is no room for positive personal growth, so “I am like this” and therefore “put up with me”.

That's not being authentic: that's being lazy.

Besides: it's all about neuroplasticity.

1. Neuroplasticity for Dummies

Until recently, it was believed that, reaching adulthood, people were what they were, what was learned was and things were what they were: “You don’t teach an old dog new tricks”. And everything became and continued to be as it was.

Today it is known that the brain's neuroplasticity does not only happen in the development phase from infant to adult but whenever something new is learned and this new learning is practiced: new neural networks are formed.

In short, neuroplasticity is the nervous system's ability to change, perform brain restoration, make new maps of neural circuits, and adapt to a new stimulus.

In other words, the nervous system promotes biological, biochemical, physiological, and morphological changes in nerve cells, aiming to adapt to a new stimulus.

What does this mean?

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2. It means that trait in you that even irritates you...

That trait you have that even irritates you?

That attitude that you've already come to the conclusion that only brings trouble everyday, that it's a habit/reaction shortcut and represents an obstacle to being who you want to be, to achieving any goal?

Whatever you want in yourself: it can be molded, and relearned, thanks to nerve neuroplasticity of your nervous system.

And now that you know what you know (about neuroplasticity): what do you think you need to relearn (it will create a new network of neurons) that will help you to be who you want to be?

Evaluating the balance of the year can help identify the challenge.

Accepting and loving who you are today is fundamental.

Do you feel bad in your skin? It's not worth running away from the past: you have to own your past. So you can grow from there.

Do you feel good in your skin? Great.

But in any case, you don't have to stop there, and stagnate: there's always room to grow and become the 10 dot"n” version of yourself.

3. Make a balance of the year that is coming to an end

Take stock of the year that is coming to an end.

Do you feel fulfilled or frustrated? Or both? I'm sure it wasn't all bad. There were good things for sure: grab that feeling.

And then use it as fuel in what did not go according to plan, in the objectives that you defined and that somehow did not or did not materialize.

Give up the objective or use a new strategy? Only you know how important the goal is for you: not for the social gathering of your family or your social media friends. Important to you.

Not everything depends on you alone, but on the things that depend: that's where your true power lives.

  • Were you overly impulsive in certain situations?
  • Did you procrastinate on routine/habit/life changes?
  • Did fear paralyze you?
  • Did you have difficulty controlling your temper?
  • Have you been ruminating on any old grievances?
  • You've been ruminating on matters you should have closed, but you lacked the “next step action”
  • Did you suffer from paralysis by analysis (due to oversupply)?
  • Did you accept things that did not serve your purpose?
  • Were you afraid of public speaking and avoided some opportunities
  • Did any issues from the past keep you from trusting people (and you felt that everyone woul betray your trust at some point along the way?

These are just examples of situations where we can be our own obstacles.

Of course, the contexts may or may not be favorable: but the variant where you have the most chance of controlling is up to you.

Can you see the parallel? The objective is to carry out this analysis, not to get frustrated, but to identify which areas you need to work on in yourself, to use neuroplasticity in your favor, and achieve your goals.

4. Put aside that laziness of “That's just the way I am”

Maybe it's time to put aside that laziness of "that's just the way I am" because with every step you take to learn and undertake something new: you have your nervous system ready to work for you.

All you have to do is exercise whatever it is, again and again, to go from a habit to an intrinsic habit again: and then it becomes your new way of being.

At the subconscious level.

Just like you learned to drive a car, or use a toothbrush with your left hand (if you're right-handed).

Learn. Do. Repeat. Training.

Until it becomes a habit of the subconscious mind.

.And you are the one who decides.

And not any social environment or mother and father back in the remote past when they were the ones who determined what you should learn.

Put that laziness aside because you have a whole nervous system (and professional help in the area you have in mind) that can support you in the change you want to undertake.

Getting Better Every Day

Neuroplastic Hugs

From Body&Soul!

Hey! I'm Eunice Veloso and you'll find more about me on my About Page

"In nature, nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed"

Antoine Lavoisier, 1789

The Law of the Conservation of Mass

Author Eunice Veloso

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