July 2022

Apreciação e ódio

Ser apreciado é fácil de lidar. O ódio, por outro lado, está quase a ser profissionalizado. Como lidar com ambos? Amor-próprio é a solução.: protege sanidade.

Appreciation and hate

Appreciation is easy. Hate, on the other hand, is almost being professionalized. How to deal with both?Self-love is the answer, it’ll protect you from insanity.

your why, reasons to live, Ikigai

Ikigai. The concept is japanese. Life philosophical concept. In japanese “Iki” means “alive” or “life”; “gai” means “worth”: your reason to live: your why.


Past mistakes. The best or worst way to digest them depends on how we frame the events.

Have some regrets? The bright side of it: you’re not a psychopath.


Past mistakes. The best or worst way to digest them, depends on how we frame the events.
Have some regrets? The bright side of it: you’re not a psychopath.

Empaths mind cleaned

Who’s an empath? Is someone empathetic beyond normal.
Is someone who easily absorbs people’s energy. The external energy, from others, must be mind cleaned, .

Exercise self-love woman, write, pen-1566154.jpg

Exercise self-love: it empowers you. Suppose you’re in a desert island. Would you still find ways to love yourself with no one to tell you that you are lovable?

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