About theater and performance? nan. Or maybe yes, although it shouldn't be. Your expressiveness, the throat chakra.
The term chakra sounds too spiritual, but it's the energy we're discussing.
Let's use a metaphor here: wind towers.
They receive the force of the wind, and air, which makes the propellers move, which moves a turbine, which converts the movement into energy that later reaches our home in the form of electricity in the sockets - a system.
Now let's turn our attention to the body. What does your body breathe? Air.
What do your body's cells need to reproduce besides nutrients? They need oxygen, O2, which is air.
And your body is also transformed energy. Which then becomes a movement, thoughts, acts, and attitudes.
So far I think we are in the same place regarding the idea. As a shortcut: it could be said that you are energy in motion.
Now let's go to the chakras. What are? They are energy centers.
The throat chakra is about how you show yourself to the world, how close or far from your true nature. The one without the layers of social makeup and/or familiar formatting. Your purest essence. We all come into the world with gifts, natural aptitudes, genetic inheritance, or spiritual inheritance. Call it what you want.
It's not just what you say. It is also: but not only that. It's about how you express yourself in the world: what you say, what you do, and how you show it.
Consonance or dissonance. The balance or, the disease.
And we're still talking about energy.
1. Your chakras, their alignment (and your vital energy)
It is not intended here to provide an extensive explanation of the chakras, but it should be said that it is a concept imported from Hinduism, associated with the traditions of tantric yoga.
And just like the air, the chakras cannot be seen, but are energy centers in specific points of the body.
When the chakras are balanced and aligned, they provide general well-being.
When there is an imbalance in the chakras (excess energy in one and little energy in others) conditions are created for the organism to become deregulated and, over time, unhealthy: conditions are created for illnesses.
It's like clogged or holey plumbing. There is no flow or energy wasted somewhere, with no benefit for a body that wants to be healthy.
When we are not well physically or psychologically, the most likely thing is that some chakra is blocked, making it impossible for vital energy to flow and circulate in the best way: hence imbalances arise.
A misalignment of the chakras manifests itself in mental, physical, or emotional aspects.
These are the main chakras:
1. Root chakra: located at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals.
Related to physical energy, stability, comfort, and security. It influences the bones, teeth, anus, prostate, adrenal glands, intestines, excretory functions, and sexual activity.
2. Sacral chakra: located at the pubis.
Related to the individual's emotional identity, sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, creativity, procreation, and sociability. It governs the sexual organs, stomach, upper intestine, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, and autoimmune system.
3. Solar Plexus chakra: at the level of the navel (two fingers above).
Related to self-esteem, strength, personality, power and determination, sense of belonging, and mental understanding of emotions. Generate energy from the upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, mid-spine, kidneys, adrenals, small intestine, and stomach.
4. Heart chakra: located in the heart region.
It affects an individual's social identity, trust, sincerity, forgiveness, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and soul matters. It deals with the functioning of the heart, rib cage, blood, circulatory system, lungs and diaphragm, thymus gland, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, and hands.
5. Throat chakra: at the level of the throat
Related to personality traits such as communication, expression, inspiration, creativity, authenticity, truthfulness, and self-awareness.
It governs the throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck and shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums.

6. Intuition chakra (3rd eye): between the eyebrows.
Related to self-awareness, lucidity, wisdom, intellect, clairvoyance, implementation of ideas, detachment, insight, understanding, and intuitive reasoning.
It governs the functions of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal gland, and neurological system. Any imbalance can lead to headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning difficulties, panic, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, or spinal disorders.
7. Crown Chakra: Located at the crown of the head.
It influences intuitive knowledge, wholeness, connection with spirituality, mind-body-spirit integration, and conscious awareness.
It governs the center of the head and the midline above the ears, the brain, the nervous system, and the pineal gland.
An imbalance in the crown chakra causes chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to light and sound.
No chakra is more important than the other, because an unbalanced chakra, due to a deficit or excess of energy, affects the flow of energy to the other chakras: and these are the contexts that generate diseases.
The ideal situation is one of energy balance.
2. The relationship between your expressiveness and the throat chakra
Now that you have an idea of your energy chakras (just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist) let's turn our attention to the throat chakra.
It is through this chakra that we transmit our internal contents to the external world: love, thoughts, impulses, anger, fears, and reactions.
2.1 Manifestations of an unbalanced throat chakra.
It is possible that you have already gone through a phase where seen from the outside and in the eyes of others: you have everything to be well and happy.
But if you tell someone that you just want to disappear “from there”: nobody believes it, and if they believe it, they don't understand why. Imbalanced throat chakra.
You feel like you are a foreigner in your life because consciously or unconsciously you feel that there is something in your deepest existence that is not being honored.
And deep down, the life you lead does not reflect or satisfy any need, not always obvious, of your most intimate self. Imbalanced throat chakra.
You move and make decisions based on unconscious guilt and fear, which prevent you from getting in touch with your deepest feelings. Imbalanced throat chakra.

It's easy to express yourself aggressively: because you feel misunderstood (possibly by yourself too).
And frustration results from the internal conflict of defending what you appear to be and oppressing who you are, between defending what you show yourself to be and your deeper nature that wants to express itself.
Imbalanced throat chakra.
You use manipulation as a way to control others as well as the image that others have of you: which is a way of hiding who you are, for fear of being rejected or not approved by others.
Manipulation comes as a tool to safeguard your image. Again for fear of rejection and other people's opinions. Imbalanced throat chakra.
Easy now: this is not too hurt.
It is to recognize any forms of expression that are the manifestation of an imbalanced throat chakra. And act from there.
2.2. The extremes: overly active or inactive throat chakra
A blocked or closed throat chakra, which is the same as saying inactive or underdeveloped, reveals itself in excessive shyness and fear of confrontations: the individual erases his personality.
Other common aspects are a lack of self-esteem, indecision, little willpower, little creativity, and the tendency to haveaddictions (which can be of any kind).
With a throat chakra that is too open (excessively active or underdeveloped), the individual shows manipulative behaviors in an abusive way, and greed for power over personal, family, and professional relationships.
There is also a tendency here for addictive behaviors (addictions).
Therefore, the ideal is balance.
When we express ourselves to the world in a way that is congruent with our inner selves, we generate less internal conflicts, and in reality: we all want to be happy.
And happiness may not be constant, but if we have the ability to have several moments a day when we feel internal harmony: we will be a better company for ourselves and better company for others.
Because we express ourselves verbally and physically in a harmonious way in the internal environment and with the external environment.
In addition, there is the issue of the impact on health: mental and physical (as mentioned in point 1).
3. How to balance the throat chakra
And now the unanswered question: how to balance the throat chakra?
This could be summed up in 4 points:
1st Know yourself and define your limits. These are not your limits as an individual because you are a limitless universe of possibilities.
They are the limits where you begin and others end: to prevent people or the external environment from corrupting your individuality.
2nd Tell the truth. It's the simplest way.
Lying to be accepted will only get you involved in circumstantial, superficial, and eventually toxic relationships.
Starting with your relationship with you. We all like to feel loved. Loved for who we are, not what we appear to be.
Love yourself for who you are and who you work to be (we are beings in permanent evolution or we should be). And teach those around you to love you like this: raw and without masks.
You just have to be discerning in choosing the people you want to show yourself to.
3th Learn to meditate.
Here on this blog, we don't presume to know everything, but meditating means turning your attention inwards.
It is becoming intimate with yourself. In a mental space without recriminations, without shame, without blame.
You with you in an intimate conversation. You'll start looking in the mirror saying: I'm mad about you. Without any narcissism.
Start loving and accepting the person that you are.
4th Exercise the throat chakra.
Breathwork techniques are gold for balancing the chakras.
You'll see how you stop being afraid to express your truth. And you even discover those that are silenced in the depths of your limbic system. Sometimes tears flow. But they are not tears of despair. They are tears of deep emotion and peace with you: recognition.
Even if you are not a yoga fan there are yoga poses that can be incorporated, to stretch, at the end of your exercise routines.
They are simple. Anyone can do them with greater or lesser perfection.
The secret lies in making no abrupt movements and maintaining the position for a few cycles of inspiration-expiration: 9 may be enough.
Inspiration is to be done through the nose, and expiration (through the nose or mouth) with the contraction of the abdomen muscles.
Getting Better Every Day
Expressive Hugs
From Body&Soul!
References and Related Posts
Guia básico sobre os 7 Chakras e seus significados (sunshinecristais.com.br)
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